Readings by Owner Keith Swift
Ravens Alley
Regular price
Keith Swift has been immersed in his ancestral traditions for well over 20 years and trained under mentors of living lineages and traditions in Iceland,Norway, Denmark, Finland, Scotland, and Ireland, and professionally practicing them for over 20 years, as well as initiations into the ATR, Masons, H.O.G.D.
Readings by Owner Keith Swift, are done with Chamalongos, Ogham, Runes, bones, or by candlelight, whichever spirit reveals its needs. Readings will be in-depth and given as they are shown by the M’pungo, spirits, ancestors, and the dead. Readings will be done in 60-minute increments.
Oracle cards, Runes, and Ogham can be used upon request only if you do not want the other divining tools.
Item Eligible for a monthly subscription.
Mr. Swift also offers one on one lessons in folk magic, witchcraft, and sorcery. Message Mr. Swift for more information.
Please email us to set a time and day at or by messaging us by using the message us icon at bottom of the page.
We have other established readers as well, just click on their link and bio in the divination section to book a reading with them if you prefer.
Tata Swift has been reading for me for a few years now. He is 100% on point with everything he says during a reading. He's talented and he's also very trustworthy and honest. How many readers can you say that about? Get a reading with him. You'll be happy you did.
Absolutely amazing ! Keith is definitely a powerful spiritual person! He made me feel so calm during our conversation I was an absolute emotional wreck all day due to my situation and I’m so thankful I was guided to Keith to turn to him for help
I’m so excited to do work with Keith aswell as future work I’m so thankful
Most accurate reading with the runes I have ever had!
Tata Swift was right on point with my reading. He brought things up that no one knew about outside my home that was happening. He gave me great guidance and counseling on what should be done.
I later had him make me some cleansing and protection baths that were amazing. He also performed a road-opening ritual for me, and some court case work. I had a sudden turnaround of events that became better and I won what seemed to be a losing battle in court.
I highly recommend him.